About Jan Clementson

Food intolerances manifesting as arthritic pains in my joints, bloating, IBS-type gut symptoms, environmental sensitivities and an energy drain lie at the heart of my story. My desire to to understand what was causing my problems ultimately led me into the nutrition profession. And I finally learned how to prevent my immune system over-reacting through changes in diet and lifestyle and the use of targeted supplements. Today, my gut problems have resolved, I am pain free, full of energy and I no longer react to my environment. Now I help others with immune conditions and sensitivities to food, mould and environmental toxins recover their health and vitality, so that they can feel themselves again.
My Story
I'll never forget the night that I really understood the power of food. It will be forever etched into my memory. I was aged 21 and not long out of home. My flatmate, had brought home some cheese that night, which made me feel both excited and wary. Cheese had been off-limits for me for some time, as I suspected that it did not agree with me. But it was my favourite food, so I threw caution to the wind and excitedly ate a whole block in one go.
But that night I awoke in agony. The pains in my knee and elbow joints were excruciating. And I knew immediately that it was the cheese. I'd suffered with arthritic-like "growing pains" in my joints as a child. A chance article read by my grandma linked cheese to such pains......and I had eaten cheese like other kids ate chocolate. So, my mother reduced my cheese intake, even tying the fridge with string to keep me away from my favourite food. Yet here I was all those years later being forced to accept that cheese was indeed the source of my pain. Such was the pain, that I couldn't even walk. I had to crawl to the bathroom, negotiating the stairs on my hands and knees on the way. I popped as many paracetamols as I could, but nothing would take away the pain. And so, I cried the night away vowing there and then to learn why this was happening to me. And there began my journey in nutrition.
But it would be another 10 years or so before I finally took the plunge to formally study nutrition. Along the way, I discovered it wasn't just cheese. There were other foods and even environmental sensitivities such as perfume, cigarette smoke, chemicals, EMFs and mould. As my nutrition journey unfolded, I cleaned up my diet and lifestyle and corrected underlying nutrition and body system imbalances and the over-reacting stopped. I could tolerate most foods again, even a little cheese, and I no longer reacted to my environment. My IBS type symptoms resolved, my energy returned, and I became pain free. I am convinced that I would have been crippled with arthritis by now, had I not discovered the power of food. Now, I show others how they can prevent such immune over-reactivity, so that they can regain their health and vitality, live a normal life and be full of boundless energy.
I qualified as a Nutritional Therapist in 2011 with a first-class honours degree in Nutritional Medicine from the University of West London. I am a member of BANT (British Association for Applied Nutritional Therapy) and registered with CNHC (The Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council).

My Experience
My nutrition work has covered the spectrum of working with clients in a therapeutic capacity, within student education and the commercial sector. Each element helps to inform my clinical practice and improve the outcomes for my clients, as well as helping to shape the nutrition profession through leading and informing the next generation of therapists.
Founder & Nutritional Therapist - Boundless Energy
Functional Medicine Practitioner - Abundant Energy Programme (Niki Gratrix)
Student Clinic Tutor - ION
Biomedicine Lecturer - London College of Naturpathic Medicine (CNM)
Cardiometabolic Lecturer & Module Leader - Institute for Optimum Nutrition (ION)
Obesity Lecturer - BCNH UK College of Nutrition & Health
Clinical Nutrition Advisor - BioCare Supplements
The Energy Solution Author - Amazon
Health & Nutrition Article Writing - Ad-hoc
My Background
Originating from Carlisle in Cumbria, I come from a sporting background. Having excelled at sport in school, I gravitated towards track athletics and competed for my local running club, Border Harriers, for over 10 years. It was my love of sport that initially inspired my interest in health, fitness and wellbeing. But it was ultimately my dairy intolerance that inspired me to change my career (from the legal field) into the nutrition industry to follow my passion for health and wellbeing. Now, I combine both elements of nutrition and movement within my nutrition and lifestyle approach.