Meniere's Disease Information Page
Over the last few years I have worked tirelessly in conjunction with John Ingram - the founder of Deaf to Meniere's Charity - to find nutrition and lifestyle solutions to help those people suffering from this debilitating condition regain their life. This page is dedicated to the research and clinical experience that I have uncovered on this journey. Here, I will keep you updated on the latest understanding and developments in this area.
Deaf to Meniere's Charity
I first encountered John Ingram - the founder of Deaf to Meniere's Charity - when he was referred to me for help with his health whilst I was working as a Nutritionist and Functional Medicine Practitioner on an online energy/chronic fatigue programme. John had joined the programme to improve his energy, which was suffering as a result of his Meniere's condition. John's condition resonated with me as I had grown up in a family with hearing problems - my father lost his hearing in one ear as a result of the measles virus when he was a child and my sister became registered deaf on high pitches after having the measles vaccine.
Ever since that first meeting, I have worked with John to help find nutrition and lifestyle solutions for this condition. As a result of our collaboration, we successfully conducted a nutrition and lifestyle trial in 2022 with a Meniere's sufferer sponsored through my standard 6 month health programme by Deaf to Meniere's - see below. Subsequently, we presented a Meniere's Disease Webinar Masterclass that reported on the trial findings, alongside the latest research with regards to pathophysiology, potential causes and some basic nutrition, lifestyle and testing recommendations that you can implement straight away. If you would like to watch this webinar, click on the video link below.
What is Meniere's Disease?
Meniere's Disease relates to an excessive fluid build up in the hearing and balance centres of the inner ear. The inner ear consists of two fluid compartments divided by a thin membrane. The inner fluid compartment is called the endolymph and the outer fluid compartment is called the perilymph. Each fluid compartment has a different composition of electrolytes - minerals that carry an electric charge. The outer fluid creates the inner fluid composition by selectively allowing high levels of potassium into the inner fluid chamber. It is potassium that fires the nerve cells providing the electrical signal to the brain in relation to hearing and balance.

With a Meniere's attack, an excess accumulation of fluid builds up in the inner fluid compartment (endolymph) which causes progressive distension of the fluid chambers. This can result in pressure fluctuations that damage the thin membrane between the fluid compartments and can cause a temporary leak in the i membrane. Sodium-rich fluid from the outer fluid chamber (perilymph) mixes with potassium-rich fluid in the inner fluid chamber (endolymph). This fluid mixture can cause a temporary electrical blockade, which disrupts electrical signals to the brain causing a loss of sensory function in relation to hearing and movement. In some cases, the membrane can rupture - and this is when the more severe symptoms can happen. The membrane can heal but it can take time to re-establish electrolyte equilibrium in each of the fluid compartments. With each successive attack, injury to the inner ear accumulates. Hearing and balance sensory cells can suffer reversible and irreversible damage.

Characteristics & Treatment of Meniere's Disease
Ear pressure/fullness
Hearing fluctuations or
Hearing loss
Vestibular migraines
Tiredness or fatigue
Mood disorders
Prevalence = 0.3%
European descent - most common
Genetics - no specific gene. Other genes play role
Life stage - 40s/50s gen
Episodes - upredictable
Duration - mins to hours
Frequency - clusters within a short period followed by months or years without symptoms
Symptom management
Meds or surgery
Relaxation therapy
Counselling & support
Diet & supplements
Lifestyle factors
Environmental factors
Mindset & stress
Functional testing & personalised treatment
Potential Causes of Meniere's Disease
The underlying reasons for the development of Meniere's Disease are not definitively known. However, it does appear to be multi-factorial. Ongoing research is revealing more and more about this complex condition. As with any chronic condition, there is always more than one potential reason why the condition may develop. Your body is very much inter-linked via connecting systems, so dysfunction in one system can lead to dysfunction in other systems. And how one person arrives at the same named condition can be different from another person. Here are some of the potential causes of this condition revealed by the research:

How Can Nutrition & Lifestyle Changes Help?
Over the last several years I have successfully worked with the Deaf to Meniere's Charity to find nutrition and lifestyle solutions to address the symptoms and improve quality of life for sufferers. In 2022, Deaf to Meniere's sponsored Frances through a trial of my standard 6 month health and nutrition programme with stunning success. As part of the trial, Frances scored herself at the start and ending of the trial on a scale of 1-10 in relation to perceived symptom severity in relation to her Meniere's symptoms as well as some other key markers. By the end of the trial, Frances reported complete resolution of her tinnitus, vertigo and ear pressure. And a significant improvement in hearing loss in her ear that was affected. This trial clearly demonstrated the effectiveness of using targeted and personalised nutrition and lifestyle measures to address Meniere's Disease. It replicated similar findings with other sufferers that I have also helped.

Meniere's Disease Trial Testimimonial
Take the Mould Screening Questionnaire
Mould sickness appears to be an underlying feature for many people suffering from Meniere's Disease and similar symptoms. Click the ink below to take the free screening questionnaire devised by Dr Jill Crista. This will provide a potential indication of whether mould sickness is contributing to your symptoms.
How Do I Find Out More?
If you want to know more about how nutrition and lifestyle can help your Meniere's symptoms, simply book a free 30 minutes telephone Discovery Call from my online booking system to discuss how I can help you. Calls outside of the UK will be via Zoom. Click on the button below to book your call.